W. Sexton, K. Gryder, and G. Esch
J. Harmon, P. Spears, and J. Ketron
R. Burleson, P. Waszak, and D. Dillow
3rd. Robby "Gumpy" Esch, 1st Kevin Gryder, and 2nd. Willie Sexton
2nd Becky Smith, 3rd. Kriestyn Baldridge, and 1st. Katelyn Witucki
1st. Richard Montgomery, 2nd Wayne Moore, 3rd. Ron Burleson
1st. Jeffery Harmon, 2nd. Patrick Speers, 3rd. Jeff Ketron
1st. Dennis Dillow, 2nd. Justice Murphy, 3rd. Leonard Waring
2nd. Ronnie Morris, 3rd. Jody Murphy, and 1st. Rusty Kitts